Thursday, December 15, 2011

What's been going on till now.....

It's been quite some time since I've updated anything here.. Was busy makin a big piece but we will get to that later...

Lately I've been into knitting.. making scarves n all for me and my friends... I am up for anything creative.. you see.. Well I love doing it.. but drawing and painting is my first passion.. so we'll jump right onto it..

As you all know that I signed up for the sketchbook project.. there has been a little progress since my sketchbook arrived and I wondered where did all the time go.. It's already christmas and I've got to complete the project and send it to them by Jan 31st. So I opened it up again and made some more sketches..
Here I will be putting on my Latest sketch...

The Stranger
Sketchbook project

Have loads of ideas for upcoming year.. and a lot of travel planned too.... will be posting a lot more in the coming weeks with my newest creations and photographs... Stay tuned... :)

And if you are wondering what happened to the big piece I was talking about.. I will be posting it in my next post.. :) :)